Last train to Shippea Hill - Looking at migrant labour in the Fens of East Anglia to Brexit & Beyond
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moreShippea Hill ,station,platfo,
Shippea Hill station in Cambridgeshire. The request-only stop was, until recently the least used station in Britain. In latter years it has become more popular as migrant workers commute from the villages surrounding the Ely rail terminus to the 07.17 train for the nine minute ride to the packhouses of the fens which surround the towns of Soham and Mildenhall.
Migrants in Wisbech Cambridgeshire.
Field Supervisor
Image by Si Barber
Romanesc broccoli awaiting harvest, Lincolnshire.
Reflections in a kubus window,New England, Peterborough, Cambridgeshire.
Reflections in a kubus window,New England, Peterborough,Cambridgeshire
Reflections in a kubus window,New England, Peterborough,Cambridgeshire
Reflections in a kubus window,New England, Peterborough,Cambridgeshire
Reflections in a kubus window,New England, Peterborough,Cambridgeshire
Image by Si Barber
Romanesc broccoli awaiting harvest, Lincolnshire.