
©Si Barber. Moral rights asserted

World War Two reneactors recreating the German defence of Normandy and interacting with the public. Holme,Lincolnshire,UK


Children playing in the street, Kings Lynn,Norfolk.

Kings Lynn Mart 2013

On the Waltzers at the Mart, King's Lynn.

Picture of the Day: Ribena, sassatina, big boy,crazy girl....STATUE!

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Children playing a clapping & rhyming game on a street in King's Lynn, the meaning of which is probably only known to them. It went 'Ribena, sassatina, big boy,crazy girl....STATUE!'. It stuck me how unusual it was to see children playing without the intervention of technology, just using their imagination. The location is Garden Row, just off Windsor Rd. If you're local you may recognise one of Lynn's great pubs, the Livey on the left. Garden Row also contains one of the few remaining cobbled streets in the town which survived the slum clea…



Misery Memoirs for sale on the market.

Si Barber

Halloween kids on Langham St, in KIng’s Lynn, Norfolk,UK

King's Lynn Mart 2019

King's Lynn Mart 2019

King's Lynn Mart 2019

King's Lynn Mart 2019

King's Lynn Mart 2019

King's Lynn Mart 2019

King's Lynn Mart 2019

King's Lynn Mart 2019

King's Lynn Mart 2019

King's Lynn Mart 2019

King's Lynn Mart 2019

King's Lynn Mart 2019

King's Lynn Mart 2019

King's Lynn Mart 2019

King's Lynn Mart 2019

King's Lynn Mart 2019

King's Lynn Mart 2019

King's Lynn Mart 2019

King's Lynn Mart 2019

King's Lynn Mart 2019